The efficiency expert will tell you that for modern business organisations to be streamlined every care must be taken to see to it that various economies are effected, especially of time and motion. If this is so, the working of the State Bank in New Delhi seems to be an urgent need of services of an efficiency expert.
If you have an hour to spare standing in the crowded holy, then you would be advised to make a deposit in your own on anybody else's account. If not then it is better to wait for a day when you can sacrifice that much time.
To make even a small deposit one has to queue up before three counters. One clerk issues the deposit slips another initiates it and the third accepts the money. But it would be a mistake to think that that is the end of it. Noe comes the long wait. An officer sitting in another part of the hall has to issue a receipt and that, of course, takes time.
It is said at the State Bank that a cashier cannot issue a receipt. This must be done by an officer. But if a cashier is responsible enough to accept money, surely he must be in a position to issue a receipt for the amount he has received. The State Bank is expected to fulfil an important role in helping to develop business. But it must put it’s house in order first. To have to waste precious hours to suit an outmoded routine is out of key in the present setting.